Ximena Riveros Campero

Bachelor of Laws, graduated from the Universidad Católica Boliviana. Master in Business Administration, graduated with Honors, from Escuela Europea de Negocios. Ximena has a Diploma in Business Law and International Business. She holds an International Specialization in Mining Safety and another one in Enviroment and Mining, both granted by the Mining Chamber of Peru, among other specialization courses.
Ximena worked as Internal Legal Advisor in Inti Raymi S.A. Mining Company and was Head of Office of the Bolivian Registry of Commerce (FUNDEMPRESA) for 7 years in the city of Cochabamba. She was a professor of Commercial Law at the Universidad Privada Boliviana (Cochabamba) and of Business Law at the Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos CEMLA.
Ximena has extensive experience advising clients on complex commercial transactions, corporate law, mining contracts and operations, as well as contractual and commercial law in general.
Areas of Practice
  • Administrative and Regulatory Law
  • Commercial Law
  • Competition Law
  • Energy Law
  • Labor Law
  • Mining Law
  • Tax Law.
Ximena Riveros Campero

Administrative and Regulatory Law, Commercial Law, Competition Law, Energy Law, Labor Law, Mining Law and Tax Law.

Languages: Spanish, English and French.